Best Handyman’s Tips on How to Save Energy in Summery

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Best Handyman’s Tips on How to Save Energy in Summery

Best Handyman’s Tips on How to Save Energy in Summer

If your electric bills are too high for you, don’t worry! Handyman Connection of Dubai is here to give you some tips on how to keep your costs down with a few little home improvement tactics!

  1. Ceiling fans can greatly reduce the use of air conditioning in your home. While using less energy, they will also keep your home cool and improve your bill! It’s generally good to consult with a personal electrician to make sure installation goes smoothly and that the fan you choose is compatible with your home and done 1st thing which shows How to Save Energy in Summer.
  2. Change to fluorescent or LED bulbs in your home. While both are more expensive, they greatly reduce energy use and last much longer than your normal light bulb. Fluorescent bulbs are the cheaper of the two and release much less noise than a regular light bulb, allowing you to keep your home cooler in the hot months of the year. LED bulbs are the most efficient and can last around 100,000 hours!
  3. The easiest thing to remember is to unplug electronic devices and appliances when not in use. Computers and outlets will consume power continuously, even if they are not turned on. Be sure to unplug that charger and turn off its plugs when not in use.
  4. Replacing your old windows can make a bigger difference to your bills than you might think. If your windows are not positioned correctly, about 30% of your ac maintenance or heating energy can be lost through any type of voids or cracks, creating the need for your home to use more energy to replace what is lost. Replacing panels and having a proper sealant can save you money in the end. When doing this, remember to consult with professional maintenance staff to make sure this home improvement task is done correctly.
  5. The installation of occupancy sensors can also decrease your energy consumption. These will detect when a person is in the room and turn the lights on and off depending on the occupation. Installing them in your kitchen and porch can definitely make a difference on your bills, as these are the lights that come on most often.
  6. Having a technician install a thermostat that may be on a timer will also lower your bills. It will automatically change the temperature so that, while you are away from your home, you do not waste energy heating in winter and cooling in summer.
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